Sunday, February 21, 2010

Assignment 6 - Community Contribution - Week 7

Activity 6 (A6) will not be related to the content matter of our ID1-112 course, but instead, it will be a Community Contribution for which all the groups will make 4 PPT slides giving tips and advice on how to save:

1. Energy / Electricity
2. Water
3. Paper
4. Recycling (other than paper, be creative)

  •  Each group will give 4 tips for each category in bullet form.
  • Include the name of all the participants of the group. 
  • Make sure your tips apply to our local situation.
  • If you get more than two tips from the same source please cite your source.
  • Label your presentation Group_Sec#_A6_save.
  • Send it to by Sat, Feb 27

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