Sunday, February 21, 2010

Assignment 6 - Community Contribution - Week 7

Activity 6 (A6) will not be related to the content matter of our ID1-112 course, but instead, it will be a Community Contribution for which all the groups will make 4 PPT slides giving tips and advice on how to save:

1. Energy / Electricity
2. Water
3. Paper
4. Recycling (other than paper, be creative)

  •  Each group will give 4 tips for each category in bullet form.
  • Include the name of all the participants of the group. 
  • Make sure your tips apply to our local situation.
  • If you get more than two tips from the same source please cite your source.
  • Label your presentation Group_Sec#_A6_save.
  • Send it to by Sat, Feb 27

Week 7 - Agenda

  • What is a hypothesis? p 150
  • Expressing hypothesis in English pp 151-153
  • Different types of conditionals pp 153-157

  • Policy debate: Do technological advances result in higher unemployment? pp 47-49
  • What causes tsunamis pp 50-52
  • Cause and effect in global warming p 53
  • Weart replies p 53

LAB QUIZ 1 (5%) Sec 21-29

Slides A5 - Summary

The best Summary was prepared by The Americans
To see your slides follow

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Departmental Exam 1

Departmental Exam 1 (25%)
Friday, Feb. 19, 11:30-1:30 pm
Sec 10 / 21 - AUL110
Sec 29 - AUL114

Lab Quiz 1

Lab Quiz 1 (5%) / Units 1 & 2
Sec 10 - Tuesday 23
Sec 21,29 - Thursday 25

Agenda Week 6

  • Holiday. 


  • What is Sudoku: rules, history and terminology P 21
  • How to solve Sudoku puzzles: methods, hints and tips PP 22-24
  • The oceanic cycle PP 25-27
  • Beginner’s guide to using iPods as hard disks pp 28-31
  • Clouds in the greenhouse pp32-35
  • How to make ice in five minutes pp 36-37
  • Butterfly biology p 38
  • Aye-aye p 39
  • Grubs on tap for the aye-aye pp 40-42
  • What happens when you drink? pp 43-46
Lab Quiz 1 (5%) Sec 10

Departmental Exam 1 (25%) Fri, Feb 19, 11:30-1:30 pm

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Slides A4 Cause-Effect GOs

The best CE GO was prepared by The Jamaicans

To see your slides follow

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A5 - Readings - Sections 10-21-29

• Chinese: The oceanic cycle pp 25-26
• British: How to make ice in five minutes pp 36-37
• Swiss: Butterfly biology p 38
• Italians: Aye-aye p 39
• Jamaicans: Grubs on tap for the aye-aye pp 40-42
• Spanish: What happens when you drink? pp 43-46
• Germans: The oceanic cycle pp 25-26
• Australians: How to make ice in five minutes pp 36-37
• Americans: Butterfly biology p 38
• Norwegians: Aye-aye p 39
• French: Grubs on tap for the aye-aye pp 40-42
• Hungarians: What happens when you drink? pp 43-46
• Canadians: The oceanic cycle pp 25-26
• Brazilians: Butterfly biology p 38
• Russians: How to make ice in five minutes pp 36-37

Assignment 5 - Summarizing - Week 6

  • Get together with your group  
  • Check for info on how to write a paragraph
  • Make a PPT slide with a summary of the reading assigned to your group (only 1 paragraph)
  • Label your slide groupname_sec#_A5_Sum 
  • Send it to by Thursday, Feb 18 
  • The best paragraphs will be published in our assignments blog at

A4 - Readings Sec 29

Focus on Reading p147, Exercise 67, Part B:
• Norwegians: Paragraph #2
• French: p 146, Paragraph: Headaches…
• Hungarians: Paragraph #1
• Canadians: Paragraph #3
• Brazilians: Paragraph #4
• Russians: Paragraph #4

A4 - Readings Sec 21

Focus on Reading p147, Exercise 67, Part B:
• Spanish: Paragraph #2
• Germans: Paragraph #1
• Australians: Paragraph #4
• Americans: p 146, Paragraph: Headaches…

A4 - Readings Sec 10

Focus on Reading p147, Exercise 67, Part B:
• Chinese: Paragraph #1
• British: p 146, Paragraph: Headaches…
• Swiss: Paragraph #2
• Italians: Paragraph #3
• Jamaicans: Paragraph #4

Monday, February 8, 2010

Assignment 4 - Cause/Effect GOs - Week 5

Week 5 - Agenda

  • What is Sudoku: rules, history and terminology PP 21
  • How to solve Sudoku puzzles: methods, hints and tips PP 22-24
  • The oceanic cycle PP 25-27
  • What is cause and effect? pp 141-143
  • Cause and effect indicators pp 143-144
  • Exercises pp 144-148

  • Beginner’s guide to using iPods as hard disks pp 28-31
  • Clouds in the greenhouse pp 32-35
  • How to make ice in five minutes pp 36-37
  • Butterfly biology p 38
LAB Sec 21-29

Monday, February 1, 2010

Reading Quizzes Schedule

Week 4 - Agenda


  • A3: Feedback Timelines
  • Check Readings Weeks 2 & 3
  • Focus on summarizing p 104
  • Focus on compound nouns pp 73-80


  • What is Sudoku: rules, history and terminology pp 21
  • How to solve Sudoku puzzles: methods, hints and tips pp 22-24
  • The oceanic cycle pp 25-27
  • Section 10 - Lab Session 1 - Unit 1

Lab Units Vocabulary Forum

    Post here any questions you may have about the vocabulary of lab units

    • Indicate unit and page
    • Identify your post Fullname_section#

    Lab Quizzes Schedule

    We will have two Lab Quizzes worth 5 pts. each for a total of 10 pts.

    Assignment grades Sec. 29

    Assignment grades Sec. 21

    Assignment grades Sec. 10