Sunday, January 31, 2010

Slides A3 - Timelines

The best Timeline was made by the Russians

Check the best Timelines at

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Timeline Readings Section 29

  • Norwegians: The history of calculators pp 11-13
  • French: Internet history pp 18-20
  • Hungarians: Internet history pp 18-20
  • Canadians: Biography - Albert Einstein pp 1-3
  • Brazilians: Biography - Ernest Rutherford pp 4-7
  • Russians: Biography of Jonathan Ive - Apple Computers pp 8-9

Timeline Readings Section 10

  • Chinese: The history of calculators pp 11-13
  • British: Internet history pp 18-20
  • Swiss: Biography - Albert Einstein pp 1-3
  • Italians: Biography - Ernest Rutherford pp 4-7
  • Jamaicans: Biography of Jonathan Ive - Apple Computers pp 8-9

Timeline Readings Section 21

  • Spanish: Biography - Albert Einstein pp 1-3
  • Germans: Biography - Ernest Rutherford pp 4-7
  • Australians: Biography of Jonathan Ive - Apple Computers pp 8-9
  • Americans: The history of calculators pp 11-13

Assignment 3 - Timelines - Week 3

  • Get together with your group
  • Check Google (web& images) for a model of a timeline or a timeline template that suits your reading
  • Make a PPT slide with the timeline of the reading assigned to your group
  • Label your slide groupname_sec#_A3
  • Send it to aprendoingles@gmail before Saturday, Jan 30

Monday, January 25, 2010

Class Tuesday, Jan 26

Due to the students marchs and protests
we don't have class this Tuesday 26.
Please check for Assignment 3 - Time Lines on this blog.

Slides Assignment 2 - Week 2

What makes an Effective Reader?

Week 3 - Agenda

  • Do the activities of Focus on Reading pp. 132-140
  • Process pp 132-133
  • How to identify process pp 134-140
  • Focus on summarizing pp 104
  • The passive voice pp 137

Review the information on Passive Voice on our Grammar 101 blog

  • Do the activities of Reading Selections pp. 11-20
  • The history of calculators pp 11-13
  • A brief history of the iPod pp 14-17
  • Internet history pp 18-20

Reading Selections Forum

Post here any questions you may have about the readings of Reading Selections for ID-1112 articles.

  • Indicate unit and page.
  • Identify your post Fullname_section.

Comments & Questions

Post here any comments or questions that you may have about the dynamics or any other aspect of our class!!

Posting Comments

Click image to enlarge.

Evaluation & Grading Plan


Click image to enlarge.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Se utilizarán:

  • Reading Selections for ID1-112 - Sep 2009 (Revised)
  • Focus on Reading

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